UURC News: USBE confirms USteps clinical practica can be implemented in UT schools

The UURC offers a variety of professional learning in the

Wilson Reading System® (WRS)

The following courses are available to educators:

WRS Introductory Course (3 days; see flyer).

  • Reservations are closed for a spot for the September 4,5,6, 2024 course.
  • Tuition must be received by the UURC before a spot is guaranteed/held.

WRS Level I Certification Course (a year-long practicum).

Complete application for a 2024-2025 scholarship.

Wilson Practicum Criteria Letter (to Administrators) [PDF] [Web] format.
(Applications for the 2025-2026 school year will be posted in
January 2025.)
WRS Level I Certification benefits teachers across the grade levels, but we want to highlight the benefit to those who have completed or are participating in LETRS® training.
WRS Level I Certification clearly addresses the HOW of Year 1 and Year 2 LETRS® training with strong instructional routines that can be adapted to whole class, small group, and individual students.
A number of University of Utah graduate courses fulfill requirements for the USBE Secondary Literacy Intervention Endorsement.
USBE Secondary Literacy Intervention Endorsement:
With the latest outcomes of the USBE 2023 Fall review, Wilson Reading System® (4th edition) has been placed on the Science of Reading Intervention List for grades 2-12.

WRS Advanced Strategies for MSL Group Instruction Course

  • Complete reservation form to reserve a spot for the September 24, 25, 26, 2024 course.
  • Tuition must be received by the UURC before a spot is guaranteed/held.

Advanced Wilson Reading System® Courses (WRS Level II Certification)

  • Individuals that have successully completed WRS Level I Certification and have a Bachelor's degree in Education or related field are eligible to register for Advanced Wilson Reading System courses (WRS Level II Certification).The course taught by the UURC is by invitation only.
    • Review the syllabus for the WRS Level II Steps 7-12 Practicum.
    • Review the syllabus for the WRS Group Mastery Practicum.
    • Funded through donations from the UURC, George. S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation and the Crawford Family Foundation.
    • Attendance at the WRS Advanced Strategies for MSL Group Instruction Course is a pre-requisite for the WRS Group Mastery Practicum but is also beneficial as a stand-alone course. We welcome educators to attend the course who are currently participating in a WRS Level I practicum during the current school year and any who have previously certified in WRS Level I.
    • Dates: September 24-26, 2024 Time: 9:00 - 3:30 Cost: $395.00 Please contact Michele Blake if you have questions about the course.
The WRS Level II Certification & University of Utah graduate course fulfill requirements for the USBE Literacy Specialist K-12 Endorsement.
USBE Literacy Specialist K-12 Endorsement:

Wilson Reading System® Overview:

The Wilson Reading System® authored by Barbara A. Wilson and published by Wilson Language Training®, is a remedial program based on reading research and Orton-Gillingham principles. WRS is appropriate for students who have difficulty with the word level in the areas of decoding and spelling. WRS has proven to be effective with severely dyslexic students as well as mildly disabled readers with a language-based learning disability.

WRS compensates for student retrieval issues and builds student self-reliance by incorporating support tools and strategies such as questioning/cueing for error correction and developing a student notebook. WRS uses criterion-based assessments built into the program to measure student progress and success.

WRS Level I practicum requirements:

  • Tutor 1 student (Grade 4 or older) a minimum of two times per week and 65+ complete lessons - in person.
  • Conduct baseline, progress monitoring, and post assessments
  • Attend 5 WRS Level I implementation meetings with Wilson® Credentialed Trainer (held 4:00 - 7:00 PM).
  • Complete 5 tutoring observations with Wilson® Credentialed Trainer (most often scheduled during school hours).
  • Attend at least 3 out of 4 UURC coaching sessions (held 9:00 - noon).
  • Complete WRS (Steps 1-6) Online Course (90 hours over the year-long practicum)
  • Attend Introductory workshop 3 days (about 16 hours). Held at UURC. **This is a Wilson pre-requisite course prior to participating in a Level I certification training.

Materials for Implementation:

  • WRS Introductory Set (Steps 1-6), 4th Edition, which includes (Instructor Manual Steps 1-6, Student Readers Steps 1-6, Rules Notebook, Student Notebook, Dictation Book, Sampling of Steps 1-6 Word Cards, High Frequency Words, Word Element & Syllable Cards, Magnetic Journal & Magnetic Tiles, Letter-Sound Cards, WADE Assessment, End of Step Assessment Materials), one set per educator
    *Visit Wilson Language Training®'s online store at https://store.wilsonlanguage.com for current item prices. For ordering assistance contact WLT® Customer Support at 800.899.8454. Item#: W4INTROSET, ISBN# 978-1-56778-648-4.)
  • Access to the Word Identification and Spelling Test ("WIST"), available from Wilson Language Training® or Pro-Ed. Although copies of the WIST are available for loan from the UURC, we recommend purchasing 1 kit for every 5 participating educators from the same school or district or if you are a significant driving distance from the Reading Clinic.
  • WRS ADVANCED SET (STEPS 7-12), 4TH EDITION. Visit Wilson Language Training’s online store at https://store.wilsonlanguage.com for current item availability, description and pricing. For ordering assistance contact WLT Customer Support at 800.899.8454. ISBN# 9781567786537.
  • web-based only - flexible document camera. Examples include:

4th Edition - Wilson Reading System®

Wilson 4th Edition 1-6 MaterialsWilson 4th Edition 7-12 Materials

The WRS 4th Edition Levels I & Level II must be purchased directly from Wilson Language Training. For questions and further information, please call Wilson Language Training Customer Support Center at 800.899.8454 (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Mon-Thu and 7:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Fri).

Wilson Language Logo     IDA Accreditation Logo
Wilson Language Training® and Wilson® Accredited Training Partners
have received Accreditation Plus designation by the International Dyslexia Association ® (IDA).
This designation recognizes that Wilson Reading System® certifications align with the IDA's Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading.
WILSON and Wilson Reading System are trademarks and/or registered trademarks
of the Wilson Language Training® Corporation.