UURC News: USBE confirms USteps clinical practica can be implemented in UT schools

USBE Literacy Endorsements

Secondary Literacy Interventionist Endorsement

The following fulfill requirements of the USBE Secondary Literacy Interventionist Endorsement.

Wilson Reading System® (WRS) Level I Practicum:
Tier III Intervention for Students with Severe Reading Difficulties

EDU6636-030/040 Syllabus


EDU6660-040 Syllabus AND EDU6661-040 Syllabus

Tier II Intervention for Intermediate Readers:
Higher StepsSM Yearlong Practicum (Small Group)
EDU 5642/6642-030/040 Syllabus


Tier II Intervention for Intermediate Readers:
Higher StepsSM Semester Practicum (Small Group)
EDU 5761/6761-030/040 Syllabus

Tier I Instruction for Improved Fluency and Comprehension
EDU 6651-030/040 Syllabus


A number of University of Utah graduate courses fulfill requirements for the USBE Secondary Literacy Intervention Endorsement.
USBE Secondary Literacy Intervention Endorsement:

K-12 Literacy Specialist Endorsement

  • Wilson Reading System® (WRS) Level II Certification Courses (offered through the UURC)
    • Individuals that have successully completed WRS Level I Certification and have a Bachelor's degree in Education or related field are eligible to register for Advanced Wilson Reading System courses (WRS Level II Certification).The course taught by the UURC is by invitation only.
      • Review the syllabus for the WRS Level II Steps 7-12 Practicum.
      • Review the syllabus for the WRS Group Mastery Practicum.
      • Funded through donations from the UURC, George. S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation and the Crawford Family Foundation.
      • Attendance at the WRS Advanced Strategies for MSL Group Instruction Course is a pre-requisite for the WRS Group Mastery Practicum but is also beneficial as a stand-alone course. We welcome educators to attend the course who are currently participating in a WRS Level I practicum during the current school year and any who have previously certified in WRS Level I.
      • Dates: TBA Cost: $395.00 Please contact Michele Blake if you have questions about the course.
    The WRS Level II Certification & University of Utah graduate course fulfill requirements for the USBE Literacy Specialist K-12 Endorsement.
    USBE Literacy Specialist K-12 Endorsement:

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