UURC News: USBE confirms USteps clinical practica can be implemented in UT schools

Educators' Corner

UURC Student Reading

The University of Utah Reading Clinic provides assessment and intervention based on work begun more than 25 years ago at the McGuffey Reading Clinic at the University of Virginia. Early StepsSM and Next StepsSM, two intervention models developed by one of the most respected reading clinicians in the country, Dr. Darrell Morris, have been tested empirically - nationally and here in Utah. The UURC has also developed an intervention model that extends services to more advanced struggling readers (Higher StepsSM). The research results suggest that these models are effective in helping at-risk and struggling readers significantly improve their reading performance.

Educators interested in learning how to provide reading assessment, intervention, or strategies for supporting a whole class in challenging text and written composition may participate in a UURC practicum. These professional development experiences are offered both at the clinic, in online courses, and on-site at schools across the state.