UURC News: USBE confirms USteps clinical practica can be implemented in UT schools

Higher StepsSM Summer Practicum:
Tier II Reading Intervention for Older Readers

EDU 56/6644-030 / EDU 56/6644-040



This graduate course is designed to help educators develop theoretical and practical knowledge of effective, research-based assessment and intervention for struggling readers of all ages who have reached an early-third grade level, but whose reading abilities are below grade level expectations. The course follows a "practicum model," in which participants build a conceptual framework for reading development and effective intervention through a mentored clinical experience.

The course is open to all educators, including but not limited to: university education students, classroom teachers, reading specialists, special educators, administrators, paraprofessionals, and English-Language-Learner (ELL) personnel.

The intervention model for this course, Higher StepsSM, is a compilation of effective, research-based assessment and intervention techniques, designed for students experiencing reading difficulties.

Through tutoring, observations, discussion, reading and attendance at clinical sessions, participants will be expected to extend their knowledge of the following topics: reading development, phonological awareness, word identification, synthetic blending, decoding by analogy, basic English syllable structure, automaticity, fluency, assisted reading at instructional level, building/activating background knowledge, comprehension strategies, textual scaffolding, motivation, and using curriculum-based assessment as a guide for pacing instruction.

Most importantly, participants will be expected to use their knowledge of these topics as they provide ongoing, one-on-one assessment and intervention for at least one struggling reader.


To reserve your spot in this practicum, you must provide all requested information below and pay the tuition to the University of Utah Reading Clinic (UURC). Until we receive the tuition, your spot is not reserved. Please be aware that practica spots are limited, fill quickly and are allocated on a "first come; first served" basis.

EDU 5644-030/EDU 6644-030: $450, 3 credit/no credit grade. To view the course syllabus, click here.

EDU 5644-040/EDU 6644-040: $550, 3 letter grade credits. Participants who need a letter grade on their transcripts should register for this course [paper required]. To view the course syllabus, click here.

To determine if either of these courses applies to your school district salary schedule or to your university education program, please consult the appropriate district and/or university advisors.

Presentation of course completion on a university transcript to the Utah State Office of Education (USOE) yields 54 re-licensure points.

You may pay by credit card by going to the UURC "Shopping Cart"or you may mail a check for the registration fee to the address below.

The UURC's geographical and mailing address is:
        University of Utah Reading Clinic
        5242 South College Drive (approximately 480 West) Suite 100
        Murray, UT 84123

For driving directions, go here.


All persons working with students at our Murray site or in field schools where they are not employed are required to provide the UURC with documentation of clearing a criminal background check. You may provide this documentation to the UURC via email, land mail, or by bringing it to the office. Participants who do not meet this requirement by the course deadline will not be allowed to work with students. START THIS PROCESS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE; IT MAY TAKE WEEKS TO COMPLETE!

If you are practicing educator, it is likely that you have already completed this process and have a record of such on the USOE CACTUS system. Visit the following website to view your records and obtain documentation: https://www.uen.org/cactus/logon.do. If the CACTUS system states that you that you do not need a background check at this time, please provide the UURC with that CACTUS message, and a copy of your current Utah educator license.

If you are a University of Utah student, you should use the USOE Online License System because USOE clearance within the last 3 years is required for all University of Utah education coursework (e.g., EDU 1010, admittance to the teacher certification programs). Instructions are provided at http://uite.utah.edu/background-check.php.

If you are neither a practicing educator, nor a University of Utah student, you must still provide documentation of clearance from the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification (UBCI). Please check the following websites for the application and directions to complete this process:https://bci.utah.gov/criminal-records/criminal-records-forms/

You must also complete the U of U Youth Protection Training prior to working with students. This training may be completed on-line: contact youthprotection@utah.edu and you will be directed as to how to proceed.

Thank you for your patience with this process that protects our students!


Your attendance is of the utmost importance because the UURC has recruited struggling readers to work with you every day. If you are absent, the child does not receive intervention.

Participants must be present for all training days (June 4, 5, and 6), the last 2 days of clinic (July 17 and July 18), and may not miss more than a total of 2 clinic sessions. No exceptions!

Participants who do not meet these attendance requirements will not receive credit for the course.


To cancel your reservation, notify Wendy Wittwer as soon as possible.

If you cancel your reservation on or before May 20, 2024, a $50 processing fee will be deducted from your refund.
If you cancel between May 21 and May 27, 2024, a $200 processing fee will be deducted from your refund.
If you cancel on or after May 28, 2024, you will not receive a refund.


Dates & Times:
Training: June 4, 5, and 6 (12:30 - 4:00 p.m.)
Clinic: June 11 - July 18, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays, 12:30 - 4:00 p.m.
No class on July 2, 3, or 4.

Meetings/tutoring will be held through Zoom.

Lead Trainer:
Wendy Wittwer (801 265-3951, wendy.wittwer@utah.edu)

Note: Each participant will need to prepare materials that must be brought to the first and all subsequent sessions. See course syllabus for details.

*** The course is full. ***

If you sign up you will be put on a waiting list.
If a spot becomes available we will contact you,
but registration is not guaranteed.

First Name*:      Last Name*:

Phone*:      Email*:

School:      District:


I am taking this course for a letter grade.
I am taking this course to fulfill a reading methods practicum requirement.


Registration for Higher Stepsâ„  Summer Practicum: Tier II Reading Intervention for Older Readers
First NameLastNameStatus
AlexandraBaezSpot Reserved
ElizabethGarciaSpot Reserved
AlyssaHirschiSpot Reserved
AllyseJorgensenSpot Reserved
MatheaLangleySpot Reserved
TiffanyLloydSpot Reserved
BrendaMurdockSpot Reserved
ColtonOstendorfSpot Reserved
RobertaRushtonSpot Reserved
Ana SchellSpot Reserved
MadisonStorySpot Reserved
FIONATANGSpot Reserved
ShannonWalkerSpot Reserved
CodyWeavilSpot Reserved