UURC News: USBE confirms USteps clinical practica can be implemented in UT schools

Monthly Sliding-Fee Calculator

Note: This page is primarily intended for UURC adminstrator use.
If you do not know the values to enter in this page, please contact Nikki.Fellows@utah.edu

Service TypeFee RateNumber of Sessions
Standard In-Clinic Student Tuition
Distance Student Tuition
Wilson Student Tuition
Other Amount

Estimate Tutoring Days For The Month of

April 2025
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There are approximately
9 Mondays & Wednesdays and
9 Tuesdays & Thursdays in this month.
Note: the estimate does not account for holidays.

Parents of summer practica students should be given this link:

Parents of pre-service students should be given this link:

Parents can pay for a Wilson assessment using this link:

Parents looking for an intensive battery assessment can pay $250 using this link: