Letter Formation Suggestions

lower case a

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Draw counter-clockwise up to the bird line,
  4. down to the flower line,
  5. and finish the circle.

lower case b

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Draw clockwise up to the bird line,
  4. down to the flower line,
  5. and finish the circle.

lower case c

  1. Start just below the bird line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise up to the bird line
  3. and down to the flower line.

lower case d

  1. Start just below the bird line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise up to the bird line,
  3. down to the flower line,
  4. and finish the circle.
  5. Draw up to the sun line
  6. and down to the flower line,

lower case e

  1. Start halfway between the bird line and the flower line.
  2. Draw across.
  3. Draw counter-clockwise up to the bird line
  4. and down to the flower line.

lower case f

  1. Start halfway between the sun line and the bird line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise toward the sun line
  3. and draw down to the flower line.
  4. Jump up to the bird line.
  5. Jump backwards on the bird line.
  6. Draw across.

lower case g

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line
  3. and back to the bird line.
  4. Jump to the side.
  5. Draw down to the worm line
  6. and curve clockwise.

lower case h

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Draw back up to the bird line,
  4. curve clockwise,
  5. and draw back down to the flower line.

lower case i

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Put a dot above the line.

lower case j

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down to the worm line
  3. and curve clockwise.
  4. Put a dot above the line.

lower case k

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump up to the bird line.
  4. Jump to the side.
  5. Draw down diagonally backwards halfway to the flower line
  6. and down diagonally to the flower line.

lower case l

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.

lower case m

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Draw back up to the bird line,
  4. curve clockwise,
  5. and draw back down to the flower line.
  6. Draw back up to the bird line,
  7. curve clockwise,
  8. and draw back down to the flower line.

lower case n

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Draw back up to the bird line,
  4. curve clockwise,
  5. and draw back down to the flower line.

lower case o

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line
  3. and back to the bird line.

lower case p

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down to the worm line.
  3. Draw back up to the flower line,
  4. clockwise up to the bird line,
  5. down to the flower line,
  6. and finish the circle.

lower case q

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line
  3. and back to the bird line.
  4. Jump to the side.
  5. Draw down to the worm line
  6. and up diagonally.

lower case r

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Draw back up to the bird line,
  4. curve clockwise.

lower case s

  1. Start just below the bird line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise up to the bird line
  3. and down halfway to the flower line.
  4. Draw clockwise down to the flower line.

lower case t

  1. Start halfway between the sun line and the bird line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump up to the bird line.
  4. Jump backwards on the bird line.
  5. Draw across.

lower case u

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line,
  3. curve counter-clockwise,
  4. and draw up to the bird line.
  5. Draw back down to the flower line.

lower case v

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down diagonally to the flower line
  3. and up diagonally to the bird line.

lower case w

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down diagonally to the flower line,
  3. up diagonally to the bird line,
  4. down diagonally to the flower line,
  5. and up diagonally to the bird line.

lower case x

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down diagonally to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the bird line.
  4. Jump to the side.
  5. Draw down diagonally backwards to the flower line.

lower case y

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw down diagonally to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the bird line.
  4. Jump to the side.
  5. Draw down diagonally backwards to the worm line.

lower case z

  1. Start on the bird line.
  2. Draw across,
  3. down diagonally backwards to the flower line,
  4. and across again.

upper case A

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down diagonally backwards to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Draw down diagonally to the flower line.
  5. Jump to the bird line.
  6. Draw across.

upper case B

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Draw clockwise down to the bird line.
  5. Draw clockwise down to the flower line.

upper case C

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line.

upper case D

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Draw clockwise down to the flower line.

upper case E

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Draw across.
  5. Jump back and down to the bird line.
  6. Draw across.
  7. Jump back and down to the flower line.
  8. Draw across.

upper case F

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Draw across.
  5. Jump back and down to the bird line.
  6. Draw across.

upper case G

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line.
  3. Draw up to the bird line.
  4. Draw across backwards.

upper case H

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump up to the bird line.
  4. Draw across.
  5. Jump up to the sun line.
  6. Draw down to the flower line.

upper case I

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw across.
  3. Jump back halfway.
  4. Draw down to the flower line.
  5. Jump backwards on the flower line.
  6. Draw across.

upper case J

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line,
  3. and curve clockwise.
  4. Jump up to the sun line.
  5. Draw across.

upper case K

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Jump to the side.
  5. Draw down diagonally backwards to the bird line
  6. and down diagonally to the flower line.

upper case L

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line
  3. and across.

upper case M

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Draw down diagonally to the flower line,
  5. up diagonally to the sun line,
  6. and down to the flower line.

upper case N

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Draw down diagonally to the flower line,
  5. and up to the sun line.

upper case O

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line
  3. and back to the sun line.

upper case P

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Draw clockwise down to the bird line.

upper case Q

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line
  3. and back to the sun line.
  4. Make a diagonal tail.

upper case R

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Draw clockwise down to the bird line
  5. and down diagonally to the flower line.

upper case S

  1. Start halfway between the sun line and the bird line.
  2. Draw counter-clockwise up to the sun line
  3. and down to the bird line.
  4. Draw clockwise down to the flower line.

upper case T

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw across.
  3. Jump back halfway.
  4. Draw down to the flower line.

upper case U

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down to the flower line,
  3. curve counter-clockwise,
  4. and draw up to the sun line.

upper case V

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down diagonally to the flower line
  3. and up diagonally to the sun line.

upper case W

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down diagonally to the flower line,
  3. up diagonally to the sun line,
  4. down diagonally to the flower line,
  5. and up diagonally to the sun line.

upper case X

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down diagonally to the flower line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Jump to the side.
  5. Draw down diagonally backwards to the flower line.

upper case Y

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw down diagonally to the bird line.
  3. Jump back to the sun line.
  4. Jump to the side.
  5. Draw down diagonally backwards to the bird line.
  6. Draw down to the flower line.

upper case Z

  1. Start on the sun line.
  2. Draw across,
  3. down diagonally backwards to the flower line,
  4. and across again.