 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Draw counter-clockwise up to the bird line,
- down to the flower line,
- and finish the circle.
| b
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Draw clockwise up to the bird line,
- down to the flower line,
- and finish the circle.
| c
 - Start just below the bird line.
- Draw counter-clockwise up to the bird line
- and down to the flower line.
| d
 - Start just below the bird line.
- Draw counter-clockwise up to the bird line,
- down to the flower line,
- and finish the circle.
- Draw up to the sun line
- and down to the flower line,
 - Start halfway between the bird line and the flower line.
- Draw across.
- Draw counter-clockwise up to the bird line
- and down to the flower line.
| f
 - Start halfway between the sun line and the bird line.
- Draw counter-clockwise toward the sun line
- and draw down to the flower line.
- Jump up to the bird line.
- Jump backwards on the bird line.
- Draw across.
| g
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line
- and back to the bird line.
- Jump to the side.
- Draw down to the worm line
- and curve clockwise.
| h
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Draw back up to the bird line,
- curve clockwise,
- and draw back down to the flower line.
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Put a dot above the line.
| j
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down to the worm line
- and curve clockwise.
- Put a dot above the line.
| k
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump up to the bird line.
- Jump to the side.
- Draw down diagonally backwards halfway to the flower line
- and down diagonally to the flower line.
| l
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Draw back up to the bird line,
- curve clockwise,
- and draw back down to the flower line.
- Draw back up to the bird line,
- curve clockwise,
- and draw back down to the flower line.
| n
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Draw back up to the bird line,
- curve clockwise,
- and draw back down to the flower line.
| o
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line
- and back to the bird line.
| p
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down to the worm line.
- Draw back up to the flower line,
- clockwise up to the bird line,
- down to the flower line,
- and finish the circle.
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line
- and back to the bird line.
- Jump to the side.
- Draw down to the worm line
- and up diagonally.
| r
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Draw back up to the bird line,
- curve clockwise.
| s
 - Start just below the bird line.
- Draw counter-clockwise up to the bird line
- and down halfway to the flower line.
- Draw clockwise down to the flower line.
| t
 - Start halfway between the sun line and the bird line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump up to the bird line.
- Jump backwards on the bird line.
- Draw across.
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down to the flower line,
- curve counter-clockwise,
- and draw up to the bird line.
- Draw back down to the flower line.
| v
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down diagonally to the flower line
- and up diagonally to the bird line.
| w
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down diagonally to the flower line,
- up diagonally to the bird line,
- down diagonally to the flower line,
- and up diagonally to the bird line.
| x
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down diagonally to the flower line.
- Jump back to the bird line.
- Jump to the side.
- Draw down diagonally backwards to the flower line.
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw down diagonally to the flower line.
- Jump back to the bird line.
- Jump to the side.
- Draw down diagonally backwards to the worm line.
| z
 - Start on the bird line.
- Draw across,
- down diagonally backwards to the flower line,
- and across again.
| A
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down diagonally backwards to the flower line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Draw down diagonally to the flower line.
- Jump to the bird line.
- Draw across.
| B
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Draw clockwise down to the bird line.
- Draw clockwise down to the flower line.
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line.
| D
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Draw clockwise down to the flower line.
| E
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Draw across.
- Jump back and down to the bird line.
- Draw across.
- Jump back and down to the flower line.
- Draw across.
| F
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Draw across.
- Jump back and down to the bird line.
- Draw across.
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line.
- Draw up to the bird line.
- Draw across backwards.
| H
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump up to the bird line.
- Draw across.
- Jump up to the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
| I
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw across.
- Jump back halfway.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump backwards on the flower line.
- Draw across.
| J
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line,
- and curve clockwise.
- Jump up to the sun line.
- Draw across.
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Jump to the side.
- Draw down diagonally backwards to the bird line
- and down diagonally to the flower line.
| L
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line
- and across.
| M
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Draw down diagonally to the flower line,
- up diagonally to the sun line,
- and down to the flower line.
| N
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Draw down diagonally to the flower line,
- and up to the sun line.
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line
- and back to the sun line.
| P
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Draw clockwise down to the bird line.
| Q
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw counter-clockwise down to the flower line
- and back to the sun line.
- Make a diagonal tail.
| R
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Draw clockwise down to the bird line
- and down diagonally to the flower line.
 - Start halfway between the sun line and the bird line.
- Draw counter-clockwise up to the sun line
- and down to the bird line.
- Draw clockwise down to the flower line.
| T
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw across.
- Jump back halfway.
- Draw down to the flower line.
| U
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down to the flower line,
- curve counter-clockwise,
- and draw up to the sun line.
| V
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down diagonally to the flower line
- and up diagonally to the sun line.
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down diagonally to the flower line,
- up diagonally to the sun line,
- down diagonally to the flower line,
- and up diagonally to the sun line.
| X
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down diagonally to the flower line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Jump to the side.
- Draw down diagonally backwards to the flower line.
| Y
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw down diagonally to the bird line.
- Jump back to the sun line.
- Jump to the side.
- Draw down diagonally backwards to the bird line.
- Draw down to the flower line.
| Z
 - Start on the sun line.
- Draw across,
- down diagonally backwards to the flower line,
- and across again.